

It has been designed in order to receive a clean air intake allowing the treated area to be in an overpressure mode. The Cool Dopair is a model integrating an air conditioning module (3 Kw) made to cool down the temperature of the area.

ATA Dopair

Product Type

air conditioning

Mobile air handling unit

DOPAIR® is a mobile solution for hospital sensitive areas. Instantly operational, it reaches performances up to Class 1000 (Fed ST 209 E) or ISO 6 (NF EN ISO 14644-1).

DOPAIR® helps fight hospital-acquired infections due to the combined action of HEPA filtration and the microbicidal effect of the Bioxigen leading to the eradication of living particles.

DOPAIR® actively contributes to prevent airborne contamination in the hospital environment.

As a result of a concerted team effort, the DOPAIR® has been developed taking into account health service staff comments (medical teams, hygienists…).

It has been designed in order to receive a clean air intake allowing the treated area to be in an overpressure mode. The Cool Dopair is a model integrating an air conditioning module (3 Kw) made to cool down the temperature of the area.

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